fat cats

美 [fæt kæts]英 [fæt kæts]
  • n.大亨;阔佬
  • fat cat的复数
fat catsfat cats

fat cats


  • 1
    N-COUNT 大亨;阔佬;大人物
    If you refer to a businessman or politician as a fat cat, you are indicating that you disapprove of the way they use their wealth and power.

    ...the fat cats who run the bank.


  1. The Government should launch an inquiry into the fat cats of commerce making huge profits out of the public .


  2. Fat cats and corporate jets


  3. So you politicians , you fat cats , remember one thing .


  4. He is one of the literary fat cats .


  5. Fat cats are always showing off their money .


  6. The executives are fat cats and the workers get screwed .


  7. There are three fat cats sitting on a mat .


  8. Fat cats and dogs were more vulnerable to diabetes , arthritis , heart problems and liver disease .


  9. Almost all of these people are small-businessmen , not fat cats .


  10. I hate to see fat cats showing off all their money , but I would sure love to be one myself .


  11. Americans are outraged by both Wall Street fat cats and the UAW job bank .


  12. The tendency is to see them as a place where fat cats congratulate each other on their success .


  13. I won 't sit on my Keister and watch the fat cats get rich .


  14. Then again , senators enjoy railing against corporate fat cats as much as the next politician .


  15. But for now , a little less cream for the fat cats is a price well worth paying for some more jobs .


  16. It means your cash is worth more now , so you 're more on par with the fat cats .


  17. Fat cats , cute cats , ugly cats , cartoon cats : we cant get enough of them .


  18. Plump felines became fat cats some years ago , now they are dangerously obese , said Mr Barber .


  19. Now in his 80s , he has spoken of the immorality of providing tax cuts to fat cats like himself .


  20. The case for a bail-out was not to save banks or their resident fat cats ; it was that a depression would not stay in Manhattan .


  21. Journalists quickly turned up links between the navy veterans and Texas fat cats who had long supplied the Bush family with funds for political campaigns .


  22. He hopes that the Philippines will escape Mexico 's fate as a " tycoon economy " dominated by fat cats in sheltered domestic markets .


  23. Opera fans and fat cats are descending on Beijing for Zhang yimou 's lavish staging of puccini 's turandot .


  24. Foreign competitors , Wall Street fat cats and big government are the preferred scapegoats , never mind that technology plays a larger role in stoking worker insecurities .


  25. Hence the wave of anger , and hence the difficulty that the US government faces in convincing voters that there is a difference between rescuing finance and helping fat cats .


  26. We 're all heard of fat cats , but Sprinkles here may be America 's weightiest – tipping the scales at an more than a shocking TWO STONE .


  27. We 're all heard of fat cats , but Sprinkles here may be America 's weightiest - tipping the scales at an more than a shocking TWO STONE 。


  28. Mr Obama recently called the top bankers fat cats , and the bankers insisted they were shocked shocked ! to learn how intransigent their lobbyists had been in opposing financial reform .


  29. But for all his occasional digs at the fat cats and their jets , this president is not and will probably never be the avenging egalitarian the left of his party dreams of .


  30. If there is anger in Japan , it is not directed at bankers or fat cats , but at the once wildly popular Junichiro Koizumi , the former prime minister , who sold the country on the rhetoric of market reforms .
